Brick Road Poetry Press

poetry made to entertain, amuse, and edify

The mission of Brick Road Poetry Press is to publish and promote poetry that entertains, amuses, edifies, and surprises a wide audience of appreciative readers.  We are not qualified to judge who deserves to be published, so we concentrate on publishing what we enjoy. Our preference is for poetry geared toward dramatizing the human experience in language rich with sensory image and metaphor, recognizing that poetry can be, at one and the same time, both familiar as the perspiration of daily labor and as outrageous as a carnival sideshow.

Reading Szymborska in a Time of Plague by Joan Baranow


Reading Szymborska in a Time of Plague by Joan Baranow


Order Reading Szymborska by Joan Baranow now!

Publication date June 29th, 2023.

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Joan Baranow Bio Page

Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Brick Road Poetry Press
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-950739-10-3
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 7 ounces

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Written during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, Joan Baranow’s Reading Szymborska in a Time of Plague contemplates the dread uncertainty of our life. Describing hospitalized sufferers, she writes: “A patient, no longer struggling, is wheeled away. / Another sits up, accepts the bent straw between his lips.” Likewise, her tough-minded yet always loving vision of domestic life invites us to inhabit a level of self-scrutiny that leaves us heartened even if also often troubled. And yet, despite the losses mourned throughout this book, the poet’s humor and hopefulness prevail. In “Advice from a Moth” she exhorts us to “enjoy the erratic path.” Deeply satisfying, Baranow’s unaffected language is as clear and natural as a tumbler of spring water. She possesses a scrupulously honed poetic gift that is precious and rare.


Arnold Rampersad, Stanford University

Author of The Life of Langston Hughes (2 vols.)



Joan Baranow’s Reading Szymborska in a Time of Plague opens with poems about months of isolation with her spouse and college-age son during the 2020-21 pandemic. Instead of anger or boredom, her poems express tenderness with images of care and repair. They explore the natural world, paying special attention to shunned creatures: an iguana that lost its tail, insects, even a baby rat whose life she spares. In Baranow’s sequence “Summer Ghazals” she asks herself about mysteries of illness, life, and death. A series of heart-thumping elegies follows soon after the ghazals. Read this wonderful book. Read all of it from “Traveling in Tiger Rain” to its final poem “Prayer,” where she implores: “Let quiet hours pass without a stir / while the earth repairs.”


Susan Terris

Author of Familiar Tense


“I’m there as much as here,” Joan Baranow tells us, staring into a Japanese print. In richly musical and compassionate poems, Baranow reconciles our daily lives with our desirous imaginings: “most of life comes at you / while scrambling eggs in the pan.” Whether writing elegies or confronting her own mortality, Baranow leans toward community for consolation and renewal, taking note of “trees sending mycorrhizal / messages underground // like teenagers vibrating / under their clothes.” Literary, political, and erotic, Reading Szymborska in a Time of Plague considers “What blunderous creatures we are, / holding cell phones to our heads,” the poet’s voice brimming with anxiety and affection.


Michael Waters

Author of CAW